This is the current error that I'm getting in my browser:

Template error

In template c:\python27\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\admin
\templates\admin\change_list.html, error at line 11
Caught ViewDoesNotExist while rendering: Could not import polls.view.
Error was: No module named view
1       {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
2       {% load adminmedia admin_list i18n %}
3       {% load url from future %}
4       {% block extrastyle %}
5         {{ block.super }}
6         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% admin_media_prefix
%}css/changelists.css" />
7         {% if cl.formset %}
8           <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{%
admin_media_prefix %}css/forms.css" />
9         {% endif %}
10        {% if cl.formset or action_form %}
11          {% url 'admin:jsi18n' as jsi18nurl %}
12          <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ jsi18nurl|default:'../../
jsi18n/' }}"></script>
13        {% endif %}
14        {{ media.css }}
15        {% if not actions_on_top and not actions_on_bottom %}
16          <style>
17            #changelist table thead th:first-child {width: inherit}
18          </style>
19        {% endif %}
20      {% endblock %}

Doesn't this part get populated?  What am I missing?

On Aug 31, 11:23 am, "Yves S. Garret" <>
> So I'm following this Django tutorial to become more familiar with how it
> works:
> I got to this part:
> Reload the page. Now you'll see an error:
> TemplateDoesNotExist at /polls/
> polls/index.html
> Ah. There's no template yet.
> I never had this happen.... I just got this displayed in my browser (after I
> cleared the cache on top of that):
> You're looking at the results of poll 2.
> What am I doing wrong?  The fact that I don't see this gives me the
> impression that I messed somewhere up, anyone have an idea where I could
> have possibly stumbled?

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