It isn't clear to me also. Initially I was surprised because the site
app doesn't have any dependency on django's user system. Even if it
does, django uses unicode which caters for those characters in your
name. least we are sure the problem wsnt from the user name. But
something definetely went wrong. Don't worry about it though

On 9/11/11, pasztilla <> wrote:
> Hi Babatunde,
> 1. sorry for the delayed answer - but  I was in the last three weeks
> far from any possibility to use the Internet (and Django as well)...
> 2. I have tried to reproduce the phenomenon and with the 'Pászkán
> Attila' as user it worked !  Why? - still it isn't clear.
> PA
> On Aug 26, 12:20 am, Babatunde Akinyanmi <> wrote:
>> Cool. I'm really interested in finding out what went wrong. If you are
>> also, try to recreate the problem by using you former username and see
>> if the problem persists. If it does, its a bug that the community
>> could consider fixing. That error was thrown by the Site app so I'm
>> still wondering how a change in user name was able to solve it
>> On 8/25/11, pasztilla <> wrote:
>> > Hi Babatunde,
>> > Hi Babatunde,
>> > SITE_ID == 1
>> > then I did what you've suggested:(see the result)
>> > Microsoft Windows [verziószám: 6.1.7601]
>> > Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.
>> > Minden jog fenntartva.
>> > C:\Users\Pászkán Attila>
>> > D:\>cd Atilla\Programoz\Django\Gyakorlaas\mysite
>> > D:\Atilla\Programoz\Django\Gyakorlaas\mysite>python shell
>> > Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Feb  7 2011, 11:30:38)[MSC v.1500 32 bit
>> > (Intel)] on win32
>> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> > (InteractiveConsole)
>> >>>> from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
>> >>>> Site.objects.get(id=1)
>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>> >   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
>> >   File "D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\",
>> > line 132, in get
>> >     return self.get_query_set().get(*args, **kwargs)
>> >   File "D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line
>> > 349, in get
>> >     % self.model._meta.object_name)
>> > DoesNotExist: Site matching query does not exist.
>> > !!!! +++++ !!!!
>> > Meanwhile came an idea that this error could have slyly,
>> > somehow undercover, something to do with my User Name (under Windows)
>> > which contains some unusual characters (two á-s, see above) ...
>> > I've set up a new user (without unusual characters)
>> > and repeated the whole procedure (building up an application
>> > according to the tutorial) and it worked fine!!! :-)
>> > So, seemingly the problem has been resolved! :-)
>> > (It would be interesting to find out why and how
>> > has influenced that unusual user name the functioning
>> > of my admin-site...but it is maybee to much effort to investigate)
>> > Anyway,  thanks for your efforts and support!
>> > PA
>> > On aug. 25, 19:28, Babatunde Akinyanmi <> wrote:
>> >> Hi paszkan,
>> >> First I want you to go to your settings file and tell me what value is
>> >> specified for SITE_ID. You will need that value for the next step.
>> >> In your terminal where you would have typed "python
>> >> runserver" type "python shell"
>> >> Doing that would load django's inbuilt shell.
>> >> Next type:
>> >> "from django.contrib.sites.models import Site"
>> >> If there's no error type this is where you would need the SITE_ID
>> >> setting value. Assuming SITE_ID value is 1 then type:
>> >> "Site.objects.get(id=1)"
>> >> Do this and give feed back
>> >> On 8/25/11, Pászkán Attila <> wrote:
>> >> > Can you give more details?
>> >> > 2011/8/25 Babatunde Akinyanmi <>
>> >> >> The error you stated normally happens when there are problems with
>> >> >> the
>> >> >> django_site table created when you start a project.
>> >> >> On 8/25/11, Babatunde Akinyanmi <> wrote:
>> >> >> > Please say exactly what you did. It will be easier to help that
>> >> >> > way
>> >> >> > On 8/25/11, raj <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> In ur,
>> >> >> >> Did u import admin, make it discoverable, and also uncomment the
>> >> >> >> /
>> >> >> >> admin/ url?
>> >> >> >> Also, make sure that you syncdb by running python
>> >> >> >> syncdb.
>> >> >> >> Lemme know if that helps :)
>> >> >> >> On Aug 25, 9:29 am, pasztilla <> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> Hi there,
>> >> >> >>> I'm just trying to accomodate myself with Django - and so I
>> >> >> >>> tried
>> >> >> >>> to
>> >> >> >>> go through the Django Tutorial from the Django official site.
>> >> >> >>> There
>> >> >> >>> went everything ok with part 1,  but at the very beginning of
>> >> >> >>> the
>> >> >> >>> part
>> >> >> >>> 2 I've met a
>> >> >> >>> problem(
>> >> >> >>> tutorial02). In spite of that I've perform all settings/changes
>> >> >> >>> described in the 'Activate the admin site' section going to the
>> >> >> >>> next
>> >> >> >>> section 'Start the development server' (ie.
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> led
>> >> >> >>> merely to an error message:
>> >> >> >>> "DoesNotExist at /admin/
>> >> >> >>> Site matching query does not exist.
>> >> >> >>> Request Method:
>> >> >> >>> GET
>> >> >> >>> Request URL:
>> >> >> >>> Django Version:
>> >> >> >>> 1.3
>> >> >> >>> Exception Type:
>> >> >> >>> DoesNotExist
>> >> >> >>> Exception Value:
>> >> >> >>> Site matching query does not exist.
>> >> >> >>> Exception Location:
>> >> >> >>> D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\ in get,
>> >> >> >>> line
>> >> >> >>> 349
>> >> >> >>> Python Executable:
>> >> >> >>> D:\Python27\python.exe
>> >> >> >>> Python Version:
>> >> >> >>> 2.7.1"
>> >> >> >>> [...]
>> >> >> >>> and something more:
>> >> >> >>> "Settings
>> >> >> >>> Using settings module mysite.settings
>> >> >> >>> Setting
>> >> >> >>> Value
>> >> >> >>> USE_L10N
>> >> >> >>> True
>> >> >> >>> False
>> >> >> >>> LANGUAGE_CODE
>> >> >> >>> 'en-us'
>> >> >> >>> ROOT_URLCONF
>> >> >> >>> 'mysite.urls'
>> >> >> >>> MANAGERS
>> >> >> >>> ()
>> >> >> >>> DEFAULT_CHARSET
>> >> >> >>> 'utf-8'
>> >> >> >>> STATIC_ROOT
>> >> >> >>> ''
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> MESSAGE_STORAGE
>> >> >> >>> ''
>> >> >> >>> DATABASE_HOST
>> >> >> >>> ''
>> >> >> >>> IGNORABLE_404_STARTS
>> >> >> >>> ('/cgi-bin/', '/_vti_bin', '/_vti_inf')
>> >> >> >>> False
>> >> >> >>> 'Django/1.3 ('
>> >> >> >>> ('django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder')
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> 'sessionid'
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> ('%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M')
>> >> >> >>> DATABASES
>> >> >> >>> {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
>> >> >> >>>              'HOST': '',
>> >> >> >>>              'NAME': 'D:/.../mysite/sqlite3.db',
>> >> >> >>>              'OPTIONS': {},
>> >> >> >>>              'PASSWORD': '********************',
>> >> >> >>>              'PORT': '',
>> >> >> >>>              'TEST_CHARSET': None,
>> >> >> >>>              'TEST_COLLATION': None,
>> >> >> >>>              'TEST_MIRROR': None,
>> >> >> >>>              'TEST_NAME': None,
>> >> >> >>>              'TIME_ZONE': 'Europe/Budapest',
>> >> >> >>>              'USER': ''}}
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> ('django.core.files.uploadhandler.MemoryFileUploadHandler',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler')
>> >> >> >>> 'text/html'
>> >> >> >>> APPEND_SLASH
>> >> >> >>> True
>> >> >> >>> FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK
>> >> >> >>> 0
>> >> >> >>> []
>> >> >> >>> YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT
>> >> >> >>> 'F Y'
>> >> >> >>> ''
>> >> >> >>> CACHES
>> >> >> >>> {'default': {'BACKEND':
>> >> >> >>> 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
>> >> >> >>>              'LOCATION': ''}}
>> >> >> >>> SERVER_EMAIL
>> >> >> >>> 'root@localhost'
>> >> >> >>> '/'
>> >> >> >>> IGNORABLE_404_ENDS
>> >> >> >>> ('', '', 'mail.cgi', 'mailform.cgi',
>> >> >> >>> 'favicon.ico',
>> >> >> >>> '.php')
>> >> >> >>> ('django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware')
>> >> >> >>> USE_I18N
>> >> >> >>> True
>> >> >> >>> ','
>> >> >> >>> SECRET_KEY
>> >> >> >>> '********************'
>> >> >> >>> 'django_language'
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> False
>> >> >> >>> LOGGING_CONFIG
>> >> >> >>> 'django.utils.log.dictConfig'
>> >> >> >>> ('django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader')
>> >> >> >>> TEMPLATE_DEBUG
>> >> >> >>> True
>> >> >> >>> ('django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',)
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> CACHE_BACKEND
>> >> >> >>> 'locmem://'
>> >> >> >>> False
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> FILE_CHARSET
>> >> >> >>> 'utf-8'
>> >> >> >>> DEBUG
>> >> >> >>> True
>> >> >> >>> SESSION_FILE_PATH
>> >> >> >>> None
>> >> >> >>> ''
>> >> >> >>> INSTALLED_APPS
>> >> >> >>> ['django.contrib.auth',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.contenttypes',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.sessions',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.sites',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.messages',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.staticfiles',
>> >> >> >>>  'polls',
>> >> >> >>>  'django.contrib.admin']
>> >> >> >>> LANGUAGES
>> >> >> >>> (('ar', 'Arabic'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('az', 'Azerbaijani'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('bg', 'Bulgarian'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('bn', 'Bengali'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('bs', 'Bosnian'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('ca', 'Catalan'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('cs', 'Czech'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('cy', 'Welsh'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('da', 'Danish'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('de', 'German'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('el', 'Greek'),
>> >> >> >>>  ('en',
>> ...
>> read more »
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