On 09/15/2011 01:44 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> 2011/9/14 Simon Bächler <s...@feinheit.ch>:
>> Any news considering HTTPS and runserver?
> What "News" are you expecting?
> The Django project has made no secret of the fact that we don't
> consider runserver to be a "real" webserver. It isn't intended for
> production use. We haven't spent any time or effort auditing it for
> production use. It is missing many key features that a "real"
> webserver needs to have.
> runserver is intended to be the bare minimum necessary to support
> local development. If you have nontrivial needs, you should be looking
> at alternative options for local development.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
You can also create a minimalist https server with python twisted
(and the openssl module)

You just need  additional url rules, such, that django is also serving
/static amd /media directories:

as needed,

create a file named django_wrapper.py with following contents:
# ######## File starts here ##################
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler

# ############ end of file #############

and call then

twistd -n web --https $HTTPS_PORT -p $HTTP_PORT \
--certificate yourcert.crt --privkey your_cert.key \
--wsgi django_wrapper.application

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