
this may be a python-general question, but it came across my way while
working with django:
Imagine you have a model:

class A(Model)
    name = CharField()
    type = SmallIntegerField(choices=SOME_TYPES)

    def do_something(self):

I want do_something() do different things based on the actual type of
the instance. I know that this is a typical use case of subclassing,
but for some reasons (mostly avoiding generic m2m-relationships) I
decided to keep everything in one table.
My current implementation uses python-style switches to solve this

def do_something(self):
        {TYPE1: do_something1,
         TYPE2: do_something2}[self.type]()
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('type not known')

This is very verbose and not DRY.
I thought about solving this problem by changing the base class on the
fly using __bases__. But this seems to be very dirty. In addition,
this would have to be done every time self.type changes. I don't know
which hook I could use for this.
Second thought was using a read property self.impl which provides the
particualar implementations for a type:

class _Type1Impl(object):
    def  do_something(self):

def impl()
    type_switch_here ...

def do_something(self):
    return self.impl.do_something()

But this is also some verbose because of the "redirection" to
self.impl and I can imagine python provides much better ways to
achieve my goal.

Any suggestions?


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