On 10/03/11 17:53, Jack wrote:
Hey gang, I am trying to use a response object to serve a
dynamically created CSV. I have that part working perfectly
but I'd like to display a page afterwards with a summary of
the data. Is there a good way to do this? I tired added the
rendered template to the httpresponse object after I write the
CSV into it but it gives a header error.

Depending on what you're trying to return, there are a couple options. In your particular case, I'd swap the order, returning the page-content with a redirect points to the file-download URL. This could be an HTML <meta> redirect, JavaScript, or an <iframe> that points to the CSV file (http://site/csv/url/ for this example) for download:

  HTML: <meta http-equiv="refresh"
              content="3;url=http://site/csv/url/"; >
  Javascript: location.href = 'http://site/csv/url/';
  iframe: <iframe src="http://site/csv/url/";>

You might also be able to (ab)use an HTML redirect to return the page while simultaneously redirecting with a 302/307 that would bounce the user to the given page.

If the use-case was different and you actually wanted to return multiple files, I've used Python's zipfile module to zip up the contents and then return the collection (in my case, returning multiple .csv files).


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