On Sunday, 9 October 2011 20:26:26 UTC+1, Kayode Odeyemi wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm creating a template tag that will will allow session variables stored 
> as strings or 
> dict in a view to be available in its template. The syntax is:
> {% session_value [view_name] [session_variable] [arg] %} 
> But at the moment I don't know how I can get Django to stop throwing name 
> errors
> on variables/class names that are available. In my code, kwargs, 
> NoReverseMatch are all available, but
> Django keeps reporting name errors on them.
> Here's the snippet of the code at 
> https://github.com/charyorde/session_value/blob/master/templatetags/tags.py
> <snip>

> I will like to know what I'm doing wrong. How do I prevent these constant 
> name errors whenever the 
> template tag is registered?
> Thanks

Look again at the format of the code at that link. It clearly shows what is 
wrong: the try/except block starting at line 58 is badly indented, so it is 
not counting as part of the `render` method.

This appears to be because you have mixed tabs and spaces. *Never* do that. 
In fact, *never* use tabs - always use spaces.

Plus, line 37 is unnecessary - in fact harmful, because you've already 
registered the tag with the decorator in line 6. I don't know what happens 
if you decorate a function twice with the same decorator, but it's unlikely 
to be helpful.

(I won't go into whether or not the whole tag is just an unnecessary rewrite 
of `request.session.varname`, or your misunderstanding that session 
variables are in some way related to view names, so we'll leave it there.)

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