class FarmersMarket(ModelForm):
   class Meta:
      model = models.FarmersMarket
      exclude = ('location',)

   def clean(self):
      place, (lat, lng) = _g.geocode(self.cleaned_data['address'])
      self.cleaned_data['location'] = Point(lng,lat)
      return self.cleaned_data


Here's my code minus the exception handling.  Now what I *want* to
have happen is that the models.FarmersMarket.location field on the
model is set sometime shortly after the form is submitted by the user,
by way of geocoding the data, rather than having them tediously enter
a POINT wkt string in the textarea field.  So my idea was to put a
call to geopy.Google.geocode in FarmersMarket.self.clean.  I can
confirm clean() is getting called, but for some reason, the 'location'
field isn't being set in the model.  I get a whine from Django that
the location field cannot be NULL (which is true, it can't).

Can anyone tell me how I'm supposed to be doing this? I want them to
enter an address on the form, not a latitude/longitude pair.

-- Jeff

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