On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Ian Clelland <clell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Thomas Guettler <h...@tbz-pariv.de> wrote:
>> # This is my current solution
>> if get_special_objects().filter(pk=obj.pk).count():
>>    # yes, it is special
> I can't speak to the "why" of this situation; it seems to me that this could
> always be converted into a more efficient database query without any
> unexpected side-effects (and if I really wanted the side effects, I would
> just write "if obj in list(qs)" instead). In this case, though, I would
> usually write something like this:
> if get_special_objects().filter(pk=obj.pk).exists():
>    # yes, it is special
> I believe that in some cases, the exists() query can be optimized to return
> faster than a count() aggregation, and I think that the intent of the code
> appears more clearly.
> Ian

OK, take this example. I have a django model table with 70 million
rows in it. Doing any kind of query on this table is slow, and
typically the query is date restrained - which mysql will use as the
optimum key, meaning any further filtering is a table scan on the
filtered rows.

Pulling a large query (say, all logins in a month, ~1 million rows)
takes only a few seconds longer than counting the number of rows the
query would find - after all, the database still has to do precisely
the same amount of work, it just doesn't have to deliver the data.

Say I have a n entries I want to test are in that resultset, and I
also want to iterate through the list, calculating some data and
printing out the row, I can do the existence tests either in python or
in the database. If I do it in the database, I have n+1 expensive
queries to perform. If I do it in python, I have 1 expensive query to
perform, and (worst case) n+1 full scans of the data retrieved (and I
avoid locking the table for n+1 expensive queries).

Depending on the size of the data set, as the developer I have the
choice of which will be more appropriate for my needs. Sometimes I
need "if qs.filter(pk=obj.pk).exists()", sometimes I need "if obj in



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