I found this patch for the raw function (https://
code.djangoproject.com/attachment/ticket/13805/manager.patch), because
according to this ticket (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/
13805), .raw does not work in a multi db env. So this is what I have:

in django/db/models/manager.py, I have created a new function:
def raw(self, raw_query, params=None, using=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if using is None:
            using = self._db
        print using
        return RawQuerySet(raw_query=raw_query, model=self.model,
params=params, using=using, *args, **kwargs)

The print using returns "gold" so I know it is using this method.

Now, I have
  form = StaffForm(instance = Staff.objects.raw("SELECT s.*,
g.n_group_name FROM n_test_staff s LEFT JOIN n_nics_groups g
ON(g.n_group_number = s.nics_group) WHERE s.username =
in my view and I am still getting the error:
AttributeError at /staff/staffinfo
'RawQuerySet' object has no attribute '_meta'

This is the traceback:
File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
core/handlers/base.py" in get_response
  111.                         response = callback(request,
*callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
contrib/auth/decorators.py" in _wrapped_view
  23.                 return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/nics/a/home/tsamuel/tssandbox/gibbs/utils/decorators.py" in
  11.         return view_func(request, *args, **kws)
File "/nics/a/home/tsamuel/tssandbox/gibbs/../gibbs/staff/views.py" in
  156.     form = StaffForm(instance = Staff.objects.raw("SELECT s.*,
g.n_group_name FROM n_test_staff s LEFT JOIN n_nics_groups g
ON(g.n_group_number = s.nics_group) WHERE s.username =
File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
forms/models.py" in __init__
  237.             object_data = model_to_dict(instance, opts.fields,
File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
forms/models.py" in model_to_dict
  110.     opts = instance._meta

Exception Type: AttributeError at /staff/staffinfo
Exception Value: 'RawQuerySet' object has no attribute '_meta'

On Nov 4, 2:49 pm, Tabitha Samuel <tabitha.sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One thought I have is that the using() is messing things up. Would it
> be possible for you to create a second non-default db, throw these two
> tables in there and then try the same thing? If that works for you,
> then I must have a ghost sitting in my system! :-|
> On Nov 4, 2:28 pm, Furbee <furbeena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That is very strange... I recreated this on my development system and it
> > worked fine. I looked for Django bugs, but haven't found any related to
> > this issue. To be clear, the table n_nics_groups definitely exists in the
> > same database as n_test_staff, right? It does in mine because I used python
> > manage.py syncdb to create them from the models. If so, maybe we should try
> > to create a raw() query to see if the system has a bug creating the query.
> > This should be similar:
> > form = StaffForm(instance = Staff.objects.raw("SELECT s.*, g.n_group_name
> > FROM n_test_staff s LEFT JOIN n_nics_groups g ON(g.n_group_number =
> > s.nics_group) WHERE s.username = 'tsamuel'))
> > If that throws an error, we may have a problem in the DB layer.
> > Thanks,
> > Furbee
> > On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Tabitha Samuel 
> > <tabitha.sam...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > > The error that I'm getting is on the second form instantiation, that
> > > is on the line:
> > > form = StaffForm(instance = Staff.objects.using('gold').get(username =
> > > current_staff)
> > > where current_staff='tsamuel' for instance
> > > This is the traceback of the error that I get when I do a print form
> > > right after getting the form:
> > > Environment:
> > > Request Method: GET
> > > Request URL:http://watermelon.nics.utk.edu:8004/staff/staffinfo
> > > Django Version: 1.3.1
> > > Python Version: 2.6.2
> > > Installed Applications:
> > > ['django.contrib.auth',
> > >  'django.contrib.contenttypes',
> > >  'django.contrib.sessions',
> > >  'django.contrib.sites',
> > >  'gibbs.quartermaster',
> > >  'gibbs.userportal',
> > >  'gibbs.reports',
> > >  'gibbs.events',
> > >  'gibbs.job_stats',
> > >  'gibbs.simulator',
> > >  'gibbs.staff']
> > > Installed Middleware:
> > > ('django.contrib.csrf.middleware.CsrfViewMiddleware',
> > >  'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> > >  'django.contrib.csrf.middleware.CsrfResponseMiddleware',
> > >  'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> > >  'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware')
> > > Traceback:
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > core/handlers/base.py" in get_response
> > >  111.                         response = callback(request,
> > > *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > contrib/auth/decorators.py" in _wrapped_view
> > >  23.                 return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
> > > File "/nics/a/home/tsamuel/tssandbox/gibbs/utils/decorators.py" in
> > > decorate
> > >  11.         return view_func(request, *args, **kws)
> > > File "/nics/a/home/tsamuel/tssandbox/gibbs/../gibbs/staff/views.py" in
> > > staff_info
> > >  159.     print form
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > utils/encoding.py" in __str__
> > >  27.         return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8')
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/forms.py" in __unicode__
> > >  95.         return self.as_table()
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/forms.py" in as_table
> > >  217.             errors_on_separate_row = False)
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/forms.py" in _html_output
> > >  180.                     'field': unicode(bf),
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/forms.py" in __unicode__
> > >  408.         return self.as_widget()
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/forms.py" in as_widget
> > >  439.         return widget.render(name, self.value(), attrs=attrs)
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/widgets.py" in render
> > >  516.         options = self.render_options(choices, [value])
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/widgets.py" in render_options
> > >  533.         for option_value, option_label in chain(self.choices,
> > > choices):
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/
> > > forms/models.py" in __iter__
> > >  882.             for obj in self.queryset.all():
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > models/query.py" in _result_iter
> > >  107.                 self._fill_cache()
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > models/query.py" in _fill_cache
> > >  772.
> > > self._result_cache.append(self._iter.next())
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > models/query.py" in iterator
> > >  273.         for row in compiler.results_iter():
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > models/sql/compiler.py" in results_iter
> > >  680.         for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > models/sql/compiler.py" in execute_sql
> > >  735.         cursor.execute(sql, params)
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > backends/util.py" in execute
> > >  34.             return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
> > > File "/nics/a/applications/gibbs/python/site-packages_django/django/db/
> > > backends/postgresql_psycopg2/base.py" in execute
> > >  44.             return self.cursor.execute(query, args)
> > > Exception Type: DatabaseError at /staff/staffinfo
> > > Exception Value: relation "n_nics_groups" does not exist
> > > Tabitha
> > > On Nov 4, 11:31 am, Furbee <furbeena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Oh no, that would not be a good thing to share! :-) That's a bummer that
> > > > the upgrade broke things.
> > > > So, the error is being raised on this line?
> > > > staff_form = StaffForm(request.POST,
> > > instance=staffinstance).using('gold')
> > > > Furbee
> > > > On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Tabitha Samuel <tabitha.sam...@gmail.com
> > > >wrote:
> > > > > So this is how I'm creating the staff form:
> > > > > def staff_info(request, *args, **kws):
> > > > >    class StaffForm(forms.ModelForm):
> > > > >        class Meta:
> > > > >          model= Staff
> > > > >          ....
> > > > >          ....
> > > > >          ....
> > > > >  if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST['event'] ==
> > > > > 'choosestaff':
> > > > > current_staff =
> > > > > request.POST.get('selectstaff')
> > > > > elif request.method == 'POST' and request.POST['event'] ==
> > > > > 'editstaff':
> > > > > #print
> > > > > request
> > > > > current_staff =
> > > > > request.POST.get('username')
> > > > > errors =
> > > > > validate_staff(request)
> > > > > if errors is not None and len(errors) ==
> > > > > 0:
> > > > > print
> > > > > request.POST
> > > > > staffinstance = Staff.objects.using('gold').get(username =
> > > > > current_staff)
> > > > > #new_form =
> > > > > StaffForm(instance=staffinstance)
> > > > > #print
> > > > > new_form
> > > > > staff_form = StaffForm(request.POST,
> > > > > instance=staffinstance).using('gold')
> > > > > staff_form.last_modification_time =
> > > > > datetime.now()
> > > > > staff_form.supervisor =
> > > > > staffinstance.supervisor
> > > > > staff_form.start_date =
> > > > > staffinstance.start_date
> > > > >            staff_form.creation_time =
> > > > > staffinstance.creation_time
> > > > >            staff_form.termination_date =
> > > > > staffinstance.termination_date
> > > > >           staff_form.using('gold').save()
> > > > > else:
> > > > >        current_staff =
> > > > > request.user.username
> > > > >    tg_info,staff, nics_info =
> > > > > get_tg_info(current_staff)
> > > > >    groups =
> > > > > NICSGroupType.objects.using('gold').all()
> > > > >     form = StaffForm(instance =
> > > > > Staff.objects.using('gold').select_related().get(username =
> > > > > current_staff))
> > > > >    print
> > > > > form
> > > > >    return render_to_response('staff/staffinfo.html',{'form':form,
> > > > > 'tginfo':tg_info, 'nicsinfo': nics_info, 'staff':staff,
> > > > > 'is_admin':is_admin, 'errors':errors},context_instance =
> > > > > RequestContext(request))
> > > > > Funny thing is that this worked perfectly in version 1.1a of django.
> > > > > All trouble started when I switched to 1.3. I was using extDbManager
> > > > > to create the gold connection in the 1.1 version since 'gold' is a 
> > > > > non-
> > > > > default db (used only for this model) and 1.1 only had in built
> > > > > support for a single db.
> > > > > And yes, I do have a page for the view. Problem is that it is passcode
> > > > > protected and I don't think I'm at liberty to give you access to it. :
> > > > > (
> > > > > Tabitha
> > > > > On Nov 4, 10:44 am, Mark Furbee <markfur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > Good Morning Tabitha.
> > > > > > Actually, do you have a model for StaffForm? That is the object 
> > > > > > being
> > > > > > instantiated and then causing the error. If there is no nics group
> > > > > > reference field in the StaffForm object, it may raise this error.
> > > Also,
> > > > > do
> > > > > > you have this running in a view/template? Do you have a real page
> > > that
> > > > > > you've tried this on, or have you just tried it in the shell?
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Furbee
> > > > > > On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 7:02 AM, Tabitha Samuel <
> > > tabitha.sam...@gmail.com
> > > > > >wrote:
> > > > > > > Here is staff/models.py
> > > > > > > from...
> read more »

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