
Please help me debug a very slow page load using mod_wsgi. I installed
django-debug-toolbar and got the following results:

Resource        Value
User CPU time   1152.072 msec
System CPU time         56.004 msec
Total CPU time  1208.076 msec
Elapsed time    1214.114 msec
Context switches        29 voluntary, 142 involuntary

...while SQL queries says 30 queries in 11.54 msec, so I guess SQL
isn't the bottleneck. Could it still be SQL related?

my wsgi configuration:

WSGIDaemonProcess user processes=2 maximum-requests=500 threads=15

I tried further profiling adding Python's hotshot to debug-toolbar
(according to http://backslashn.com/post/505601626/) but I got too
much details and can't seem to figure out what to make of it)

Any hints or suggestions would be highly appreciated.


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