Is there a recommended approach to anti-join queries?  Here's the
query I'm having an issue with:


where branchgroup is a ManytoMany relationship to another model.  I
want to get a set of Branch objects that aren't mapped to any
BranchGroups.  This query gets translated to the following (a
simplified equivalent):

SELECT "scm_branch"."id"
   FROM "scm_branch"
      LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup_branches"
         ON ("scm_branch"."id" =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup"
         ON ("scm_branchgroup_branches"."branchgroup_id" =
   WHERE "scm_branchgroup"."id" IS NULL
   LIMIT 1

This query is very slow:  Limit  (cost=1072479.36..6256437.79 rows=1

However, a slightly modified, but functionally equivalent query:

SELECT "scm_branch"."id"
   FROM "scm_branch"
      LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup_branches"
         ON ("scm_branch"."id" =
      LEFT OUTER JOIN "scm_branchgroup"
         ON ("scm_branchgroup_branches"."branchgroup_id" =
   WHERE "scm_branchgroup_branches"."branch_id" IS NULL
   LIMIT 1

Is orders of magnitude faster:  Limit  (cost=1518.71..1533.35 rows=1

The difference is with the WHERE clause.  Django generates WHERE
"scm_branchgroup"."id" IS NULL, but a properly optimized query should
use  WHERE "scm_branchgroup_branches"."branch_id" IS NULL.  This is
because Postgres recognizes the second query as a anti-join query and
can do a lot of optimization.

The basic question is: How do I make Django generate a faster query?


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