On Tuesday, 22 November 2011 21:40:29 UTC, James wrote:
> Hello all:
> This is my first question posted to this group! I am also a noob, so
> please be gentle.
> So, my issue is, I have a ModelForm, which looks like this:
> class UAssumptionsForm(ModelForm):
>     primary_le =
> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=models.Mortality.objects.none())
>     secondary_le =
> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=models.Mortality.objects.none())
>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>         self.insured = kwargs.pop('insured')
>         super(ModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>         morts = self.insured.mortalities.all()
>         self.fields['primary_le'].queryset = morts
>         self.fields['secondary_le'].queryset = morts
>     class Meta:
>         model = models.UAssumptions
> Now, when I render the form I get two choices for each of the fields I
> overrode above. This is expected behavior.
> What I want though is for each object to have a descriptive name,
> rather than "Mortality object", based on the values of the object
> itself, so one might have a value of "Caterpillar" and another might
> have a value of "Seychelles".
> I'm sure this is a common problem and I apologize in advance. I
> searched, but being a noob I'm probably not using the right search
> terms.
Django will take the result of the __unicode__ method on Mortality 

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