DrBloodMoney is right, It is kind of odd how you are solving the problem but it 
might me kind of right depending on what you are trying to do.

Considering how most of the websites work you should do this.

In all the templates include another template which does this:

{% if not user.is_authenticated %}
LINK Login | Link Sign Up
{% else %}
Logged in as username | Link Logout
{% endif %}

Logout, Login and Sign Up are handled by different urls/views and not the index 
or any other view

if you want to make a view available only to authenticated users, use the 
@login_required decorator.[2]

If you are using the provided django.auth system the views for login, logout 
are already there. In the settings you can define some behavior.


[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/settings/#login-url

On Nov 24, 2011, at 3:31 , Nolhian wrote:

>> This seems all sorts of wrong to me. Why couldn't the user just log
>> out and then post? Seems like an odd workflow, but I don't know your
>> business-case here.
> Yes the user can just log out and then post but since this is a sign-
> up form it would seem logical to not be able to sign-up if the user is
> logged in which means he already has an account.
>> You could always control what is shown to the user in the template (to
>> limit their ability to use your form to post to the view) with
>> {% if not user.is_authenticated %}
>> {% else %}
>> you're logged in so you can't post
>> {% endif %}
> That's kind of what I'm doing but I still need to check somewhere in
> the view if the user is logged in. If I don't the user can open the
> sign-up form page, then open another page of the site and log in, then
> switch back to the sign-up form page, send the form ( which will be
> validated in the view since there's no checking if the user is
> authenticated or not there ) and successfully sign-up again WHILE
> being logged in. To be able to do that just seems wrong to me.
> -- 
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