Or you can render the js file as if it was a template.
Put the javascript in a template directory.

In the main HTML, change the tag to something like <script href='/

In your "urls.py" add something like


then in your views.py create a view:

def rendermap(request):
    # create the variables you need here
    var1 = "Hello"
    address = Address.objects.get(id=1)
    return render_to_response('renderMaps.js', locals(),

You can see the idea, anyhow!

On Nov 25, 11:25 am, Alessandro Candini <cand...@meeo.it> wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> I have an application with the following structure:
> ├── __init__.py
> ├── jsonopenlayers
> │ ├── __init__.py
> │ ├── models.py
> │ ├── static
> │ │ ├── css
> │ │ │ └── STO.css
> │ │ └── js
> │ │ └── renderMaps.js
> │ ├── tests.py
> │ └── views.py
> ├── manage.py
> ├── settings.py
> ├── templates
> │ └── jsonopenlayers
> │ └── index.html
> └── urls.py
> Static files are found, but I have the problem that inside renderMaps.js
> I have some Django template tag to be interpreted.
> How can I tell Django to parse also that, in addition to my index.html?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Alessandro Candini
> MEEO S.r.l.
> Via Saragat 9
> I-44122 Ferrara, Italy
> Tel: +39 0532 1861501
> Fax: +39 0532 1861637http://www.meeo.it
> ========================================
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