I am using Django Development trunk version on Fedora 15. I tried to enable
the thumbnails option on my project followed by the instructions given in
https://github.com/SmileyChris/easy-thumbnails . But the thumbnail is not
working. Only the image is loading. Please help to fix the problem.
Attaching the bookpage.html file which uses this thumbnails. I have added
the 'easy_thumbnails' in INSTALLED_APPS of settings.py
Nibil M.S

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{% extends "base.html" %} {% block centercontent %} {% load thumbnail %}


{% if list %} {% for p in list %}

{{ p.name }}

on {{ p.date|date:"D, jS F Y" }}
{% if p.photo %} {% endif %}

Booked {{ p.cottage }} from {{ p.datefrom }} to {{ p.dateto }} for {{ p.adults }} Adults and {{ p.child }} Children.

{% endfor %} {% else %}

Still Under Construction

{% endif %}

{% endblock %}

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