Hello Alec Taylor,

I've done something like this at one of my websites.

The basic steps I use are gather the info in a form.

On form submit the info goes into a website registration database and the 
user is sent a website creation confirmation email.

The user receives the email and clicks on the supplied confirmation link.

The user is informed that they will receive an email when their website has 
been created.

(The above should be familiar to those of you that have used James 
Bennett's django-registration.  It's basically the same mechanics but 
applied to website registration/creation.)

A cron job triggers once a minute and scans the website registration 
database, creating any confirmed pending website registration requests.

The cron job sets up a django environment and calls a series of custom 
django-admin commands that creates databases, django projects, apache 
configs, etc.

The DNS config for the domain is given a wildcard (*.googlegroups.com) 
address record and Apache is used to redirect to a default domain for any 
domain that isn't picked up by Apache's config files.


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