On Monday, 2 January 2012 02:39:00 UTC, Bob Kline wrote:
> I'm moving a django site to a shared hosting server, where I'll need 
> to use fastcgi (the site on the original server is using mod_python, 
> which isn't available on the shared hosting server).  I have found the 
> instructions for setting this up, but it's not working.  I'm getting 
> "The requested URL /appname/appname.fcgi/admin was not found on this 
> server" (I'm using "appname" instead of the real name). The rewrite 
> rule is: 
> RewriteRule ^(.*)$ appname.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L] 
> In light of this rule, which is taken straight from the Django Book, 
> I'm not surprised by the error message.  All the other RewriteRules 
> I've seen/used in the past put the requested resource in the query 
> parameter; for example, Drupal uses 
> RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA] 
> which makes sense: Apache will load index.php and pass it "q=what-you- 
> asked-for" but in the rule given above for django the forward slash in 
> the replacement string is going to cause Apache to look for something 
> that doesn't exist, instead of appname.fcgi, which does exist. 
> Please tell me what I'm missing! 
> Thanks!

No, this is correct. But you haven't shown us the rest of the 
configuration. Do you have FastCGIExternalServer specified correctly?


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