On Friday, 6 January 2012 15:12:29 UTC, BillB1951 wrote:
> I am having trouble passing a parent table record “id” to a new record 
> in a child table.  My urlconf calls add_childtable in my views.py and 
> passes the parenttable_id to it.  I have excluded the parenttable from 
> my ChildTableForm(ModelForm) because I do not want it to be available 
> to the users.  When I hit submit – from my form.html I get a 
> “KeyError” error message.  The parenttable field/column (a ForeighKey 
> field) does not want to accept the parenttable_id I am passing to it. 
> What am I doing wrong?  Example code snippets are always appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Bill 
> PS.   I notice that the code pasted in below seems to have messed up 
> some of the indenting, but its correct in my python files. 


Since parenttable_id isn't coming from the form, this won't work. It's a 
local variable, so just
    parenttable = parenttable_id
should work.

However you're doing extra work by specifying the fields automatically - a 
modelform does that for you:

    if form.is_valid(): 
        childtable = form.save(commit=False)
        childdtable.parenttable_id = parenttable_id

Also, next time please remember to provide the actual error message + 
traceback when asking for help.

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