It´s been harder and harder to justify the time spent on my spare time
projects, none of which generate any income. I´m currently working on
a project I believe may have some commercial possebilities and was
wondering if I could try a dual license to generate income. For
personal or non-commercial use there be a BSD or GPL license and some
other license for commercial use ( what license to use ? what to
charge? ). I´m not talking about huge license fees ( $99 for a single
site ?? ) and have no dream about quitting my day-time job any time
soon, but it would be much easier to justify spending time on my
django projects if they generated some kind of income.

What do you think? How would a dual license be recieved in the django
community? Any tip or thought on the subject would be appreciated.

Mvh/Best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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