On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:05 PM, jrief <jacob.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But the mixin plugins are not derived from django.views.generic.DetailView,
> otherwise the main app's DetailView would obtain a diamond shaped
> inheritance.

Well, that is evident isn't it - they are mixins. If they were derived
from DetailView, they would be subclasses.

Besides which, with python multiple inheritance, you don't get a
diamond, you get a chain, see below.

> And django.views.generic.detail.BaseDetailView.get calls get_context_data
> only once, so I don't see how the plugins shall "deliver" their contexts.

Welcome to the world of the MRO - Method Resolution Order. This SO
post gives a good example of how MRO works:


This page*, particularly the diagram in the "Argument passing, argh!"
section should make it clearer how a diamond inheritance is handled
(viz. it's not a diamond):


Got that? OK, so when you have a class like this:

class MyView(Mixin1, Mixin2, SomeSuperView):

then the MRO for this class will look something like this:

(MyView, Mixin1, Mixin2, SomeSuperView, object)

When you call MyView.get_context_data and call super(MyView,
self).get_context_data, it will first try Mixin1.get_context_data,
which if exists should call super(Mixin1, self).get_context_data, and
so on up the MRO stack.



* super is not harmful, no matter what that page says. It is just that
you must be consistent when using it.

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