On 13/01/12 10:47, bruno desthuilliers wrote:
On Jan 11, 12:15 pm, galgal<weglarek.rob...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Is there any way, to change the field's *min_length* argument inside form
constructor? That doesn't work:

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(CreateTeamForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.fields['primary_color'].min_length = 4
Assuming primary_color is a CharField, this should theoretically
JustWork AFAICT. What is the result ? ("doesn't work" is not really

Hi Bruno,

I answered this question on Stack Overflow earlier this week [1].

When a field with min_length is initialised, a MinLengthValidator is added to the its validators. So if you set the min_length attribute after calling parent classes __init__ method, it is 'too late' for it to have any effect.

The solution is to change the field's validators in the __init__ method instead,


[1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8818261/django-change-min-length-in-form-init/

Alasdair Nicol
Developer, MEMSET

mail: alasd...@memset.com
 web: http://www.memset.com/

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Surrey, GU2 7YD, UK.

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