On Jan 11, 2012, at 4:26 AM, callum <callum.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I created an "Article" model with a few simple properties. I ran
> syncdb, and set up the Django admin site, and added
> "admin.site.register(Article)" in admin.py. Using the Django admin
> site, I created an article by filling in the form.
> I then went into models.py and added another property. I ran syncdb
> again, ran the server again, then when I opened the Django admin site
> again, I got the "no such column" error.
> When I Googled this, the only obvious solutions I found were to reset
> the app, or at least drop the database table that changed, and start
> over.
> But how do I do this without losing my data?

Check out South. http://south.aeracode.org

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