Hey dude,

Let's say you have some model with fields defined. It's called Business.
Looks something like this:

class Business(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    name = models.CharField("Business Name", max_length=NAME, blank=False)

You create a ModelForm like this:

class BusinessDetailsForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Business

In your view you have a method that captures the POST and saves it inside
the model:

def save_business_details(request):
    if request.POST:
        form = BusinessDetailsForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
        here you pass back the form or whatever
    return render_to_response(and render that whatever)

So, form.save() will save the details.

I hope that helps!


On 3 February 2012 14:40, Python_Junkie <software.buy.des...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Not sure if this will help, but I have diverted from the standard
> method of database updates taught in the tutorial.
> I take a more traditional sql methodology
> for example in any view that I am using.
> I collect the data elements via a request
> and then build a sql statement
> for example
> (The exact syntax may be a little off.)
> var_1=request.post(name)
> var_2=...etc
> insert into table 1(col_1,col_2) values ('var_1,var_2)
> commit
> Let me know if this helps and I can update the syntax to be more
> precise.
> On Feb 2, 9:51 pm, ajohnston <ajohnston...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 2:30 pm, ds39 <sdavid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there any page, outside of the
> >
> > > official documentation, that gives an example from beginning to end
> > > regarding how to save ModelForms in your database using views.py
> > > rather than the shell (including sample URLs) ? Also, how would I
> > > access the entered text via the shell to determine if it was saved ?
> >
> > Did you do the tutorial[1]?. Be sure to do all four parts. After that
> > the examples in the ModelForms documentation[2] should make sense. If
> > not, ask specific questions about what is not working the way you
> > think it should. Good luck.
> >
> > {1]https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/
> > [2]https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/forms/modelforms/
> --
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