
I am using Django 1.3.1, and I have a strange behavior problem, all
the different fields submitted are going as value of the first field.
Here is the http header (print request):
GET:<QueryDict: {}>,
POST:<QueryDict: {u'name':

The template which renders the form is this:
  5 <form action="/accounts/profile/" method="post" enctype="text/
plain" autocomplete="off">
  6 {% csrf_token %}
  7     <h1>Personal data</h1>
  8     <table >
  9     {% for field in form %}
 10     <tr>
 11         <td> {{ field.label }} </td> <td> {{ field }} </td> <td>
{{ field.errors }} </td>
 12     </tr>
 13     {% endfor %}
 14     <td></td> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /
 15     </tr>
 16     </table>
 17 </form>

Any one haave some idea?

Thasnk a lot!,

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