On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 9:13 PM, akaariai <akaar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe the reason is efficiency. If there were an on_delete
> argument for GFKs every object deletion of any class would need to do
> a query to check if there happens to be any GFK related objects. In
> addition, Django can't guarantee foreign key consistency. In case of
> concurrent transactions it is possible an insert could be made which
> is not visible to the deletion code.

Hi Anssi, thanks for your answer! :)
Maybe I've missunderstood your email, but I don't see why a
customization of the on_delete behaviour could lead to performance or
concistency issues. Actually the default behaviour of GFK (with a
declared GenericRelation) is performing a delete on cascade, so Django
is currently performing this hard work looking for related objects to

My problem is just this, avoiding the cascade deletion. More
precisely, I want to have a GenericRelation declared in order to get
their extra API features, but at the same time i want to keep my
related objects when a related delete is performed, so it would be
nice if I can define on_delete=DO_NOTHING. It doesn't sound too much
complicated to implement on django trunk, so I want to know if I'm
missing something.

Please let me know if I didn't understand correctly your comment.

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