On 11/03/2012, at 4:30 PM, RM wrote:

> When my django test case executes, I'm testing my code's ability to
> create a new user. But when I use the User.objects.get() method the
> user isn't found. The view being tested actually creates users (I
> checked it in the browser), but how do I write a test that verifies
> it?
> Thanks for your help!
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> from django.test import TestCase
> from django.test.client import Client
> class AccountTest(TestCase):
>    def test_create_user(self):
>        name = 'Kodos'
>        pw = 'password'
>        c = Client()
>        response = c.post(path='', data={'create_user_name': name,
> 'create_password': pw})
>        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>        self._assert(User.objects.get(username=name) is not None)

This code snippet suggests to me that you're not testing what you think you're 

If the "response.status_code == 200" test is passing, then this indicates that 
the view is *failing*, not succeeding, to create a user. Normal Django views 
that create or edit an object will return a 302 redirection on success.

It's also a little suspect that you've POSTing to '' for a "Create user" view. 
I wouldn't expect to see a "Create user" view deployed at the root URL; I'd 
expect something like '/user/create/'. 

What I suspect is happening: You've got a normal homepage deployed at the root 
URL, which doesn't do any GET/POST checks. You're POSTing to that URL, the POST 
data is being ignored, and the homepage is being returned. This returns 
successfully (with a 200), but obviously doesn't result in the creation of a 
new user. 

Russ Magee %-)

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