On 03/15/2012 12:35 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On 15/03/2012, at 5:32 AM, Gelonida N wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having a django view, that works for GET and POST requests.
>> Basically une can view some data with GET
>> and add / moify data with a tiny form and POST
>> As the data can change I added a refresh button and this works fine.
>> The problem is just, that some users don't use it but insist on using
>> the F5 (reload) key of their browser.
>> F5 works also well if the previous request was a GET request.
>> However if the previous request was a POST request the browser rebosts
>> and fould thus add some data a second time.
>> Now my question:
>> How to fix this best I have some (untested) ideas, but am not sure
>> what's best.
>> 1.) redirect to same url after post.
> Redirect after post is the right approach. So much so, that it is stated as 
> the right approach (and described as "just good Web development practice") in 
> Django's tutorial 4.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
Thanks a lot.

Probably I'll do this at least for a start.

I'd still bec curious though, whether there were other approaches
avoiding the redirect, as some of the users will connect over very slow

So there might be the small risk of a noticable increased latency.

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