On 03/14/2012 09:13 PM, Matt Schinckel wrote:
For project deployment, I use a fabfile that does the following:

* installs public keys onto the server (if necessary)
* creates the directory structure required (if necessary)
* copies the project onto the server
* installs requirements from REQUIREMENTS.txt
* runs collectstatic, migrate, etc
* restarts the web server (apache/nginx/whatever).

I hadn't thought of doing database migrates along with deploy
commands -- I'd thought they needed special handling

How much migrating of database info is reasonable to
script like this?  Does anyone work with web storefronts
that do some of the inventory bookkeeping, and so they
have transaction info that cannot be lost, and how do you
force the django app to stop doing any new transactions
before you do a migrate?  Do the usual Django web store modules
handle this idea already?  Do any migrate scripts handle stopping
new transactions first?


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