On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:22 AM, <django-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/topics
>    - sql for Many To Many Field in existing django 
> model<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_0>[1 Update]
>    - problem with admin settings <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_1> [2
>    Updates]
>    - Accessing objects from a dictionary in 
> templates<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_2>[8 Updates]
>    - Multiple Choice Quiz <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_3> [2 Updates]
>    - Filtering a second admin dropdown's contents based on the first
>    dropdown's selection <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_4> [1 Update]
>    - Django FOrms <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_5> [2 Updates]
>    - serialize queryset metadata - what's the best 
> approach?<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_6>[1 Update]
>    - Pip install matplotlib error with 
> virtualenv<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_7>[8 Updates]
>    - ANNOUNCE: Django 1.4 released <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_8> [4
>    Updates]
>    - Is it secure to have IDs show up in 
> URLs?<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_9>[2 Updates]
>    - ModelForms <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_10> [3 Updates]
>    - Django deployment practices -- do people use 
> setup.py?<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_11>[1 Update]
>    - Django log lines spamming syslog <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_12>[3 
> Updates]
>    - reverse urls on admin <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_13> [1 Update]
>    - Weird stacktrace coming from manage.py 
> test<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_14>[2 Updates]
>    - Django-1.4c2 logging issue on Snow 
> Leopard<#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_15>[1 Update]
>    - Customizie admin views <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_16> [1 Update]
>    - Automatic indexes on foreign keys <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_17>[1 
> Update]
>    - Abridged summary of django-users@googlegroups.com - 27 Messages in
>    14 Topics <#13644df8deb67955_group_thread_18> [1 Update]
>   sql for Many To Many Field in existing django 
> model<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/7a8e43e05e972a58>
>    Nikhil Verma <varma.nikhi...@gmail.com> Mar 24 06:32PM +0530
>    Hi
>    I am able to create the field through in postgres.
>    When i execute that sql statement :-
>    CREATE TABLE "visit_visit_research" (
>    "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>    "visit_id" integer ...more
>   problem with admin 
> settings<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/47ae038c2bc3cbaf>
>    Swaroop Shankar V <swaroo...@gmail.com> Mar 24 12:03AM +0530
>    Hello Sophia,
>    I have made some changes to the structure of your project. Now it
>    seems to
>    be working. Mine is a linux machine, so am completely not sure if it
>    would
>    work on your widows machine, ...more
>    Sophia <b.mirshafie...@gmail.com> Mar 24 05:32AM -0700
>    Thanks a lot Swaroop it finally works. I really appreciate your help.
>    But could you please tell me what was wrong with my code I search
>    through
>    it and found a change in settings :
>    ...more
>   Accessing objects from a dictionary in 
> templates<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/bc9cf8c697414d7>
>    gowtham <ragowtha...@gmail.com> Mar 23 12:56PM -0700
>    Hi Everyone,
>    I am trying to pass a dictionary with numerical as key and a object as
>    value to my template...
>    i construct it like this: ...more
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 09:41PM +0100
>    On 23-03-12 20:56, gowtham wrote:
>    > But, in template, rather than iterating over the dictionary (using
>    for
>    > and items) i would like to access them using keys.
>    You can, can't you? {{ ...more
>    gowtham <ragowtha...@gmail.com> Mar 23 02:00PM -0700
>    Hi Reinout,
>    Thanks.
>    But, i could not get it. It prints the primary key of the stored object
>    rather than the object itself.
>    Gowthaman
>    --
>    Gowthaman
>    Bioinformatics Systems Programmer. ...more
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 11:07PM +0100
>    On 23-03-12 22:00, gowtham wrote:
>    > But, i could not get it. It prints the primary key of the stored
>    object
>    > rather than the object itself.
>    Well, I don't know what's in the stored object. ...more
>    gowtham <ragowtha...@gmail.com> Mar 23 03:24PM -0700
>    Yes, That is correct.
>    Let me step back a bit and explain you what i am trying. It's quite
>    possible i am doing the right thing.
>    I have two models (Library and Result) linked by a third linking
>    ...more
>    gowtham <ragowtha...@gmail.com> Mar 23 03:25PM -0700
>    sorry, I meant to say
>    "It's quite possible i am NOT doing the right thing."....
>    --
>    Gowthaman
>    Bioinformatics Systems Programmer.
>    SBRI, 307 West lake Ave N Suite 500 ...more
>    gowtham <ragowtha...@gmail.com> Mar 23 03:29PM -0700
>    Template tag filters like this (made one for each field in the library
>    object) helps me to get what i wanted.... But, that seems too silly to
>    do...
>    in template ...more
>    Sam Lai <samuel....@gmail.com> Mar 24 09:36PM +1100
>    > object) helps me to get what i wanted.... But, that seems too silly
>    to do...
>    > in template
>    > <td>{{ reslibdic|hash2libcode:res.result_id }}</td>
>    I had the same thought as Reinout did, but ...more
>   Multiple Choice 
> Quiz<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/248557248ea73292>
>    jbr3 <jbr3...@gmail.com> Mar 23 03:19PM -0700
>    Hi again,
>    I've been trying to figure this out for awhile, but to no avail. I'll
>    try to list the problems I've had in understanding it.
>    1. I'm not sure what the forms.py file should look like. ...more
>    Babatunde Akinyanmi <tundeba...@gmail.com> Mar 24 08:08AM +0100
>    Hi jbr3,
>    Check scrabala.com
>    Is it similar to what you are working on?
>    --
>    Sent from my mobile device
>    ...more
>   Filtering a second admin dropdown's contents based on the first
> dropdown's 
> selection<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/3e67c8ec1828dc37>
>    Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <zebr...@gmail.com> Mar 24 06:23AM +0200
>    Hi everyone,
>    I have two dropdowns on the create/ edit pages of an object in the
>    admin
>    site. I need to filter the second dropdown's contents based on the
>    selection in the first (as a ...more
>   Django FOrms<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/7b1798014c100e5f>
>    prem <prem1...@gmail.com> Mar 23 02:41PM -0700
>    I'm using Django forms and need to create a list box.
>    What would be the equivalent of listbox in Django form fields?
>    Here is my code snippet,
>    Models.py
>    class Volunteer(models.Model): ...more
>    dummyman dummyman <tempo...@gmail.com> Mar 24 09:28AM +0530
>    Hi, u ve not inserted comma after a first entry in the tuple NO_OF_HRS
>    ...more
>   serialize queryset metadata - what's the best 
> approach?<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/faf401d3f44a3686>
>    mikeS <mikesperanz...@googlemail.com> Mar 23 02:21PM -0700
>    I'm looking at letting my users implement reports via a web interface
>    where
>    they can essentially define the report. I need to store that report
>    definition in the db, so they can re-run it ...more
>   Pip install matplotlib error with 
> virtualenv<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/a4f4b9947e5e5e2d>
>    darwin_tech <cronnelocto...@gmail.com> Mar 23 08:06AM -0700
>    I am trying to install matplotlib in a new virtualenv.
>    When I do:
>    pip install matplotlib
>    or
>    ...more
>    Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> Mar 23 03:22PM
>    > error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
>    > Anyone have an idea what is going on?
>    > Any help much appreciated.
>    (going from the error messages only)
>    matplotlib requires libpng ...more
>    darwin_tech <cronnelocto...@gmail.com> Mar 23 08:45AM -0700
>    Thanks for the reply.
>    I guess not directly related to Django, though this virtualenv is very
>    much
>    for the purpose of a Django project and I hoped other Django users had
>    come
>    ...more
>    Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> Mar 23 03:59PM
>    > Thankyou for the response though - do I need to install libpng in the
>    > virtualenv (sorry - just starting to use virtualenv) ?
>    > Sam
>    No, the C compiler is entirely ignorant about ...more
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 05:16PM +0100
>    On 23-03-12 16:59, Tom Evans wrote:
>    > this madness. Why would an OS install a binary library and not
>    install
>    > the headers, the very thing that allow you to use the library
>    > yourself. Madness.
>    ...more
>    darwin_tech <cronnelocto...@gmail.com> Mar 23 10:51AM -0700
>    Hi Tom,
>    the weird thing is that matplotlib works fine on my system. If I have
>    a
>    Django project running outside of virtualenv, there is no problem and
>    matplotlib is on the pythonpath.
>    Sam
>    ...more
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 09:37PM +0100
>    On 23-03-12 18:51, darwin_tech wrote:
>    > the weird thing is that matplotlib works fine on my system. If I
>    have a
>    > Django project running outside of virtualenv, there is no problem
>    and ...more
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 09:42PM +0100
>    On 23-03-12 21:37, Reinout van Rees wrote:
>    >> matplotlib is on the pythonpath.
>    > One of virtualenv's options is to isolate you *completely* from the
>    > system python. "virtualenv -s" or something ...more
>   ANNOUNCE: Django 1.4 
> released<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/42fc0461983012cb>
>    James Bennett <ubernost...@gmail.com> Mar 23 01:11PM -0400
>    Django 1.4 is finally here!
>    For details, checkout the weblog:
>    https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2012/mar/23/14/
>    And the release notes:
>    ...more
>    "Mário Neto" <macndes...@gmail.com> Mar 23 04:58PM -0300
>    Great! \,,/_
>    2012/3/23 James Bennett <ubernost...@gmail.com>
>    --
>    Att. *Mário Araújo Chaves Neto*
>    *Programmer, Designer and U.I. Engineer*
>    *
>    *
>    *MBA in Design Digital* - 2008 - FIC ...more
>    Jeff Heard <jefferson.r.he...@gmail.com> Mar 23 04:05PM -0400
>    Do the PyCharm devs read this list? Will 1.4 work inside pycharm 2.5?
>    ...more
>    Andre Terra <andrete...@gmail.com> Mar 23 05:08PM -0300
>    Hooray!
>    Congrats to everyone involved, especially all that worked on bringing
>    timezone support to this increasingly amazing web framework.
>    I don't mean to nitpick but a minor detail in the ...more
>   Is it secure to have IDs show up in 
> URLs?<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/715e8a4598fc1fba>
>    Bastian Ballmann <bastian.ballm...@notch-interactive.com> Mar 23
>    02:50PM +0100
>    I dont get it. You want to make all your stuff publicly available, but
>    complain about the matter that everyone can access everything?
>    Anyway for on any reason you want not so easy guessable links ...more
>    "Daniel Sokolowski" <daniel.sokolow...@klinsight.com> Mar 23 01:07PM
>    -0400
>    Rather then obscuring the urls, in my mind per object level
>    permission, or
>    even a simple status fields with a live(...) objects manager would do
>    the
>    trick better.
>    One can attempt guess and ...more
>   ModelForms<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/83d07c9e205867d8>
>    Tim Ney <tm...@columbus.rr.com> Mar 23 12:25PM -0400
>    I think the best thing for you do is to create the css outside the
>    template. Like this - create the css file, separately, then reference
>    the
>    file in the template.
>    Or, better yet, add the css you ...more
>    Kurtis Mullins <kurtis.mull...@gmail.com> Mar 23 12:34PM -0400
>    If you're worried about stylizing specific fields, it'll be setup as a
>    table, ul, or paragraph based upon how you "render the form"
>    (paragraph by
>    default I think). The individual fields are named ...more
>    Tim Ney <tm...@columbus.rr.com> Mar 23 01:01PM -0400
>    Not to gild the lilly, but, you could also do this, and it would work:
>    either as part of the css you are inheriting from the "base" or,
>    separately, you could create a whole slew of named css styles ...more
>   Django deployment practices -- do people use 
> setup.py?<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/5a5d4343634db2bc>
>    John Griessen <j...@industromatic.com> Mar 23 10:49AM -0500
>    On 03/14/2012 09:13 PM, Matt Schinckel wrote:
>    > * installs requirements from REQUIREMENTS.txt
>    > * runs collectstatic, migrate, etc
>    > * restarts the web server (apache/nginx/whatever).
>    ...more
>   Django log lines spamming 
> syslog<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/914ac9eef3b55a8>
>    Scott Gould <zinck...@gmail.com> Mar 23 06:49AM -0700
>    Hi folks,
>    Our syslog has been filling up for some time with this stuff and we
>    only just noticed due to logrotate breaking on us. For what appears to
>    be every django request across all virtual ...more
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 04:36PM +0100
>    On 23-03-12 14:49, Scott Gould wrote:
>    > Jan 27 14:48:52 cloweb01 apache2: WSGIHandler.__call__ - id
>    > 0x7f6dabfb35d0 - cookie None - session
>    > 879f844cb6ea0213b445f60e11b22978 - path ...more
>    Scott Gould <zinck...@gmail.com> Mar 23 08:47AM -0700
>    Nail, meet head.
>    Thanks! I was thinking along similar lines but stupidly checked
>    everywhere (my code, apache confs, etc.) except the django source on
>    the server itself.
>    ...more
>   reverse urls on 
> admin<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/89cd0ad9e30a102b>
>    Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com> Mar 23 04:36PM +0100
>    Hi,
>    I've overrided the get_urls() of one of my ModelAdmin in order to
>    provide some extra views. what I did is:
>    def get_urls(self):
>    """Returns the additional urls used by the Contact ...more
>   Weird stacktrace coming from manage.py 
> test<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/ae770c69a251dd7b>
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 03:47PM +0100
>    On 22-03-12 17:34, Jeff Heard wrote:
>    > stable release of Django 1.3.
>    > ---
>    > Traceback (most recent call last):
>    ...
>    > self.connection.connection.autocommit = True ...more
>    Jeff Heard <jefferson.r.he...@gmail.com> Mar 23 10:55AM -0400
>    No, it turned out that my django-startproject.py was still the one for
>    1.3...
>    ...more
>   Django-1.4c2 logging issue on Snow 
> Leopard<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/c8175f4396bba417>
>    Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> Mar 23 03:49PM +0100
>    On 22-03-12 21:09, Jeff Heard wrote:
>    > resolve 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse': No module named
>    > RequireDebugFalse
>    > I'm using virtualenv and the system python.
>    Guess: You have django ...more
>   Customizie admin 
> views<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/7cb85f3c2e1a8418>
>    jsdey <j...@jsdey.com> Mar 23 07:03AM -0700
>    I have a project photos that has a model Album. Admin (/admin/photos/
>    album/ page has a button "Add Album". I want to write a custom page
>    for that action but can't find the view that does the ...more
>   Automatic indexes on foreign 
> keys<http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/b4bbfc6279bf4112>
>    Javier Guerra Giraldez <jav...@guerrag.com> Mar 23 08:56AM -0500
>    > My understanding is that one usually
>    > wants an index on the *referenced* field, not the *referencing*
>    > field.
>    it's for the back-reference link. so that you can do
>    group.item_set.all() and ...more
>   Abridged summary of django-users@googlegroups.com - 27 Messages in 14
> Topics <http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/t/c326b69d191677a5>
>    William Slippey <will.slip...@gmail.com> Mar 23 09:26AM -0400
>    ...more
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