On 2012-03-25, at 06:27 , spike wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> Why am I only returning one or two fields from each model? If I define 5 
> fields, shouldn't I return all 5?

There is no "should" when it comes to __unicode__, you can return
whatever you want. But the *purpose* of unicode is to return a
human-readable default identification/representation of the object, not
to encode the object's state.

For instance let's say you're creating a mass transit site with bus
lines. A bus line may have dozens of attributes with various information
such as the line's endpoints or the line's supervisor or whatever. But
you don't want to display those every time you refer to the bus line.
Instead, you probably just want "Line <number of the line>". That's what
you set up in __unicode__, a single field:

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"Line %s" % self.line_number

Side-note: neither `return` nor `__unicode__` are features of Django,
you may want to read through the Python tutorial at least.

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