On Wednesday, 28 March 2012 20:31:09 UTC+1, laurence Turpin wrote:
> I'm getting the following error with my registration  section of my 
> program. 
> IntegrityError at /register/ 
> auth_user.username may not be NULL 
> I am using django 1.3.1 and python 2.7.2 and I'm using sqlite3 as the 
> database. 
> I am a newbie and I'm learning Djanogo from the book "Learning website 
> development with Django" 
> The registration form is displayed ok  and I'm able to fill it out and 
> it is when I click register that the problem occurs. 
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> My views.py  looks like the following and register_page is the 
> relevant function here: 
> <snip>

>     def clean_username(self): 
>         username = self.cleaned_data['username'] 
>         if not re.search(r'^\w+$', username): 
>             raise forms.ValidationError('Username can only contain 
> alphanumeric characters and underscores') 
>             try: 
>                 User.objects.get(username=username) 
>             except ObjectDoesNotExist: 
>                 return username 
>             raise forms.ValidationError('Username already taken. ') 
Looks like you have an indentation problem in clean_username - the lines 
under the first "raise forms.ValidationError" should be one level to the 
left, otherwise they will never be reached and the method will never return 
the cleaned value for username.

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