
Thanks you very much for the informative answer! It clears all the
questions I had in my mind. Because I have some idea to build a tool
to draw the model (UML) --> Generate Django Model code --> and then we
can deploy it to db. Moreover I was thinking that if it possible to
customize (edit existing methods, add new methods..) the generated
database api it would be good.

Thanks again,

On Apr 3, 1:41 pm, akaariai <akaar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 11:27 am, KasunLak <kasun.lakpriy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > No, sorry for not giving more details. What I am asking is once we
> > syncdb the generated scripts (create table). Can we see the method
> > implementation of database access api?
> > For example: If we have created and deployed a model called Poll
> > (tutorial example in django site)
> > p = Poll.objects.get(pk=1).
> > Can we see the implementation of this get(pk) method? I think these
> > are some objects in the database, just wonder this is possible?
> If you mean what SQL it generates there are two methods inbuilt to
> django. If you have settings.DEBUG = True, you can use:
> > p = Poll.objects.get(pk=1).
> > django.db import connection
> > print connection.queries[-1]
> Another option:> print Poll.objects.filter(pk=1).query
> This one does work only for QuerySet, so if the method you are
> interested in executes the query immediately (like .get()), then you
> can't use this method.
> Neither of the above will give you correctly quoted querystring, as
> that is simply not available to Django. The database backend libraries
> do the quoting, and Django can't get the quoted query string back from
> the libraries.
> If you want to see the Python code implementation, look at django/db/
> models/query.py, which uses django/db/models/sql/query.py. Be warned:
> the sql/query.py will take some time to understand, it is one of the
> most complex pieces of code in Django.
>  - Anssi

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