>From the doc:

> In previous versions of Django, whenever the TEMPLATE_DEBUG setting was True, 
> any exception raised during template rendering (even exceptions unrelated to 
> template syntax) were wrapped in TemplateSyntaxError and re-raised. This was 
> done in order to provide detailed template source location information in the 
> debug 500 page.
> In Django 1.4, exceptions are no longer wrapped. Instead, the original 
> exception is annotated with the source information. This means that catching 
> exceptions from template rendering is now consistent regardless of the value 
> of TEMPLATE_DEBUG, and there's no need to catch and unwrap 
> TemplateSyntaxError in order to catch other errors.

Pretty cool .. I guess. But now how can I see raised exceptions ?

If I include a template or call a template tags which raise an
exception, nothing happen.

I appreciate the added robustness.. but without clear documentation on
how to show those exception, debugging is a bit painful.

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