On Friday, 13 April 2012 21:25:06 UTC+1, alex3627 wrote:
> Hi, 
> before even thinking to use 'South', I want to get it to work quick and 
> quick. I don't care about existing databases, I have no information in the 
> database anyway. Is there a way to just recreate a new, empty database from 
> scratch? Really, remove the old database and create a new database so that 
> it corresponds the one I have defined in models.py.

"manage.py reset" will drop and recreate all the tables.

> On the other side, I am not able to look at the database myself, because 
> when trying to open it I get the error:
>    ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
> '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
> Is there a way to access the database, and to possibly alter it, via 
> "python manage.py shell"?

"manage.py dbshell" will open the database shell with a connection to your 


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