On Monday, 16 April 2012 06:24:54 UTC+1, Gchorn wrote:
> Hello, I'm trying to create a blog site using Django (with "Post" as 
> my main model and "text" as the attribute corresponding to the main 
> body of text for each post).  On the admin page, when someone is 
> filling out fields to create a new blog post, I want the "text" entry 
> field to be larger than the default field for a CharField attribute. 
> In this part of the docs: 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/contrib/admin/ 
> in the "ModelAdmin options" section, under "ModelAdmin.fieldsets", 
> there is an image of pretty much what I want--a set of text entry 
> fields, where one of the fields, named "Content", is much larger than 
> the others to make it easier for whoever uses the admin site to type 
> in larger amounts of text.  However, there isn't any clear explanation 
> that I can find in this section about how to achieve this. 
> The closest thing I can find is a little ways further, there's a 
> section that says you can use "classes" as a field_options dictionary 
> key, and it mentions two classes defined by the default admin style 
> sheet (collapse and wide).  I think I need to specify some kind of 
> class in this way, but I don't know where on my file system the 
> default admin style sheet is located in order to read it and see if 
> there are any classes there I can use. 
> Can anyone help with this?  Is there a built-in CSS class that does 
> what I want, or do I need to write it myself?  If the latter, can 
> anyone tell me where I should write it and where I need to reference 
> it so that it affects the admin site?

'content' in that model is a models.TextField, not models.CharField. 
TextFields by default render with the Textarea widget.

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