
I have created a website using Django CMS:


When I visit a URL on this site that does not exist in Django CMS I get a 
500 error - eg:


I was expecting a 404 error. Before you say it I don't think this is caused 
by Django CMS since if I set DEBUG = TRUE in settings.py I get a page not 
found (404) error as expected. I have the following static files in my 
template directory:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 jay www-data   10 Apr 11 06:40 403.html -> error.html
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jay www-data   10 May  3 09:24 404.html -> error.html
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jay www-data   10 Apr 11 06:40 500.html -> error.html-rw-r----- 1 
jay www-data  863 Apr 11 20:53 error.html                                       

The contents of error.html file is output with the 500 error, which implies 
that the 500.html symbolic link is working. Why is the 404.html file being 
ignored? I have tried replacing the symbolic link with a static file but to 
no avail.

Unfortunately I don't have logging enabled for this site - I'm going to 
rectify that ASAP but in the meantime can anyone point me in the right 


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