On May 23, 1:12 pm, Roarster <ianstrachan2...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I'm developing a site using Django using the built in user authentication
> module.  This is all working fine and users can register, login, etc. on
> the web site with no problems.  The plan is to also have companion
> iPhone/Android apps where users can register/login and then access their
> data on the main site.  This is where I'm a bit unsure of how to proceed.
>  I've been looking into using TastyPie to create a REST API which I think
> will work fine for accessing/updating data but I'm not sure if this is
> appropriate for creating new users and authenticating existing users.

I'm definitly not an expert when it comes to mobile apps, but there
are quite a few known REST (or XMLRPC or else) APIs around that
include at least user authentication - think google (including
youtube, blogger etc), dailymotion, most blogging platforms, etc.

As far as I'm concerned, I'd definitly use the API for authentication
too (possibly using OAuth). wrt/ registration, well, I have not
checked if any of the above APIs support this, but from your Django
app's POV, it's still all about HTTP requests / responses anyway so

My 2 cents, really..

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