On 5/06/2012 10:06am, Roy Smith wrote:
The description of editable says:

If False, the field will not be editable in the admin or via forms 
automatically generated from the model class.
To me, this sounds like it will be shown in the admin, just not as an editable 
field (i.e. readonly).  However, when I try setting it to False, my field it 
omitted entirely from the admin.

If it isn't editable there is no need to include it in the Admin. Make it editable (in models.py) and then (in admin.py) make it read-only.


What's the intent of editable?  Is this a bug, or is the description in the 
docs just misleading?

You should perhaps adjust the docs to the extent necessary. Seeing as it mentions the admin it might help to include a link to the above read-only reference.

Roy Smith

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