On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05:16 AM UTC-6, rahajiyev wrote:
> You can keep laughing all you want, but I at least could get CakePHP 
> to work with an existing Oracle database lacking primary keys for a 
> backend app involving role permissions, forms, pagination and other 
> usual web stuff, as opposed to designing a new app and database from 
> scratch. I worked around the lack of primary keys using Oracle's ROWID 
> and Cake's $virtualFields. From then on $rowid was as good as a usual 
> field for the purposes of data retrieval and updating. 
> Then I thought I'd rewrite this simple app in Django while learning it 
> at the same time. But Django doesn't really allow me to use such 
> virtual fields easily. Ian gave me a solution to my problem here: 
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/77f8353da1bcca53
> but it doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. Maybe someone here has 
> an idea?

Sorry, I saw your response in that thread but got distracted and forgot to 
post a followup. I've done so now.

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