
I solved. It's django-debug-toolbar fault. It's does double requests and
loads all the context processor :(


2012/6/13 Ricardo L. Dani <>

> Hello everyone,
> I'm having a issue with template_context_processors requests and views
> that do not use the context processors, i.e. in a render_to_response
> without use of RequestContext.
> For example, in my TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, as default, I have a
> "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", this context processor loads
> in the context 2 variables like user and perms making 1 or 2 queries in
> database.
> In other way, i have a view like this:
> def test_view(request):
>     return render_to_response('template.html', {'list': range(5)})
> # template.html
> # {% if list %}<ul>{% for i in list %}<li>{{ i }}</li>{% endfor %}</ul>{%
> endif %}
> Teoretically, this view don't use the django ORM and not use context
> processors, so a request to this view can`t touch in the database.
> But, for my surprise, I enable the mysql.log and with a tailf in the log I
> discover thats every request to the test_view pass in every
> TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS and the lazy querysets are called too. In my
> opinion it can`t be happened.
> I'm using django 1.3.1.
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks

Ricardo Lapa Dani

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