On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 08:26 -0700, bruno desthuilliers wrote:
> > apache + wsgi 
> >
> Ok, so that's the same setup we use... Are you/they using the 
> WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup directives ? (I bet they do if
> it's 
> shared hosting and they know what's good for them).

>  But anyway: I did not 
> test the damn thing thoroughly but IIRC the problem appeared whether 
> running daemon or embedded mode - the django process env is stil
> inherited 
> from the Apache process. Using os.setenv in the .wsgi script is
> _supposed_ 
> to cure the problem but our experience (here again I did not have time
> to 
> really explore the problem :-/) is that it often doesn't work (can't
> even 
> tell if it ever worked at all), so we alway end up editing apache conf
> - 
> which _is_ a know working solution.

they give users a small snippet of httpd.conf which we can edit - I put
this line:

SetEnv Locale UTF8

and it is working. Thanks for the hints, I now remember that I had
solved this problem long ago, but it is so long since I have used
apache, that i had forgotten 
Kenneth Gonsalves

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