I didn't think to check the shell! It is definitely issue 2.

I was able to output: 

>>> for tag in post.posttag_set.all(): tag.get_absolute_url()

which is exactly what I expect. (I have one post with the tag "footag")

post = get_object_or_404(Post, tag='footag') returns the error:
FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'tag' into field. Choices are: html, id, 
posttag, pub_date, slug, title
So I tried: 
post = get_object_or_404(Post, posttag='footag') which returned:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'zzz'

I think a lot of my issues are being caused by my ignorance of how I would 
refer to a Post objects tag since they are only related via foreign key.

btw, my templates print the tags perfectly with {% for tag in 
post.posttag_set.all %}
so seeing >>> for tag in post.posttag_set.all(): tag.get_absolute_url() 
print the tag url exactly came as a surprise to me.

On Sunday, June 24, 2012 8:40:25 PM UTC-4, Matthew Meyer wrote:
> Hi all, Django newbie here,
> I have a simple blog app I am working on and am trying to figure out the 
> best way to create a permalink for tags that I have added for blog posts. 
> Basically, my models.py consists of two classes: Post and Tag, which has 
> Post as a foreign key: http://dpaste.org/Ojhh5/
> I am then trying to access the permalink to the tag using: {{ 
> tag.get_absolute_url }} 
> This doesn't seem to print anything however. I am basically just 
> replicating the method I used to generate the permalink for the slug field 
> in my Post class. I guess it isn't working since Tag is using post as 
> a foreign key though or something? Being a beginner though, I really have 
> no clue. 
> Can explain what I am doing wrong as well as point me in the direction of 
> the correct way to achieve the goal here?
> Other relevant code: 
> blogapp urls.py: http://dpaste.org/D69gw/
> views.py: http://dpaste.org/Hoku3/
> template:  http://dpaste.org/eIXCY/

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