We understand the issue. You want to display absolute URL including the
hostname and protocol in your templates. That's not difficult to do, you
just need to write a custom template tag to do this. There's many ways to
go about doing this -- however, if you're only running a single web-site on
this Django application, I recommend creating a a base URL configuration
option in your settings.py and using that for generating the full URL.

The case we're trying to make is -- why do that? Just like Raitucarp said,
using an absolute path provides the same end-result as including the
hostname and protocol. There's only a few cases where you'd want to do that
-- primarily when trying to create links that will be used externally (for
example, a "copy and paste link" or for email templates).

Also, you mention {% url ... %} does relative paths. It doesn't. It does
absolute. It just doesn't include the hostname and protocol. A relative
path would not begin with a leading "/".

Good luck!

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 3:58 AM, Raitucarp

> Is this an actual issue? You realize that there's no difference between
>> /doc/ and http://example.com/doc/ if the current server is
>> http://example.com/?
>> See here:
>> https://docs.djangoproject.**com/en/1.4/ref/templates/**builtins/#url<https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/templates/builtins/#url>
> No no, that's not my issue. {% url %} template tag just create relative
> url that represent the views url. But, what I am going to ask here is
> create absolute url path. I mean in codeigniter I just call base_url() to
> create the base url where I am work. In django, it's hard to do that, just
> it.
> --
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