On 9/8/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just tried the following in a test project;
> testproject/mytest/models.py:------------
> from django.db import models
> class Image(models.Model):
>      name = models.CharField(maxlength=20)
> testproject/mytest2/models.py-----------
> from django.db import models
> from testproject.mytest.models import Image
> class Article(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField (maxlength=20)
>     img = models.ForeignKey(Image)
> ---
> Then, add both apps to INSTALLED_APPS, sync, and in a shell:
> >from testproject.mytest.models import Image
> >from testproject.mytest2.models import Article
> >img1 = Image(name='foo')
> >img1.save()
> >art1 = Article(name='bar', img=img1)
> >art1.save()
> >img1 = Image.objects.all()[0]
> >print img1.article_set.all()
>  returns [<Article: Article object>] as expected. Do you get the same result
> if you use this project?
> Can you provide any more details about you application?
> The only reason I can think that you wouldn't get a _set descriptor is in
> the case of a m2m relation to self.

Well, from the shell, it seems to work like a charm. It only seems to
broken at the Admin level.

My Photo model is here:
(This is almost identical to the models.py that ships with the
'stockphoto' application)

My Article model is here:
(Although for these tests today, I stripped out all the fields except
'title' and 'picture')

Here's what I tried: Added a Photo and Article from the admin. In the
shell, there was no 'article_set' attribute.

However, staying in the shell, I created (and saved) a *new* Article
instance, giving it the Picture instance that was created in the
Admin. After that, I *would* have an 'article_set' attribute, that
would show both the Article created in the Admin, and the one created
in the shell.

Jay P.

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