Hi everybody,
i'm currently working on my first django-application and stumbled upon a 
design issue, which i cant quite decide how to handle and i thought i may 
ask here, if there are any guidelines as to how to handle this :)
In my view i have, naturally, some code to process the request and return a 
response. This code needs a get-parameter to operate within boundaries and 
this parameter is always provided within the application (Its an 
The question now is, what to do if the parameter is not provided somehow. 
Should i catch the resulting KeyError (Or any unexpected exception in any 
view for that matter) and just redirect to a safe page, log the error away 
and display a warning to the user or should i just let the error pass (in 
debug show the error info page, in production the 500-page), since it 
shouldnt have happend within the application?
I'm currently tending towards the second option, because in production 
there is the 500-page, so the user doesnt get to see ugly errors and with 
an error-handling middleware i can log the exceptions and in debug its 
easier to take care of the bug, but i like to hear some opinions from the 
more experienced django-devs in here, cause i'm sure im missing some vital 
point :D


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