On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Doug S <webcoach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello django people,
> I'm just installing my PostgreSQL backend for my django projects that I
> install in isolated virtualenv's
> I've followed what seem like easy installation instructions here:
> http://initd.org/psycopg/install/
> I have installed python-dev,   libpq-dev and also postgresql-server-dev-9.1
> I workon my virtualenv and use its pip installation to install psycopg2:
> (env) $ sudo pip install psycopg2
> It appears to install successfully:
> Successfully installed psycopg2
> but when I use yolk to list my virtualenv packages or look in my
> site-packages for my virtualenv or try to import psycopg2 I find that it is
> not installed in the virtualenv like I thought it would be.
> I found I do have a psycopg2 installed in my system wide python installation
> and I'm not sure if my attempt to install it locally actually installed it
> globally or if the global installation was there to begin with from some set
> up installation I did using someone else's code ( that I don't pretend to
> understand )
> Two questions:
> 1) why didn't it install like I expected?
> 2) do I want psycopg2 insalled in my local virtualenv's python installation
> for django? or should it be in my global python installation?

Maybe it is related to he fact you used sudo when running pip intall?

Why are you doing that? After all, one of the advantages of using
a virtualenv is that you don't need o be a system admin
because you don`t want to/can't touch the globali system-wide

Ramiro Morales

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