Hello fellow Django developers,

So here is my model that interfaces with my Artists database:

from django.db import models

class Artist(models.Model):
      name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
      genre = models.CharField(max_length=30) 
      city = models.CharField(max_length=30) 
      state = models.CharField(max_length=30) 
      country = models.CharField(max_length=30)
      website = models.UrlField()

      def __unicode__(self):
            return self.name

Okay now that you see my database backend interface here's where I'm going 

I've been working with GeoDjango for some time now. I've created an app 
within my GeoDjango project called "discover". What's my goal? Well, I want 
this app to be able to return information to my users. This app will take 
the given parameters such as "locationfrom" (the user of the website 
inserts their city, state) and then that value is used to bring in the 
artists in their area in relation to the variable "requesteddistance" 
(which for example could be 25 mi) along with another variable "genre" (a 
query on the artists). So the picture is the user might say I want to see 
all the "Rock" artists "25 mi" from me in "Vienna, VA".

Now that you can see my project here, here is my question.

In my discover app in the models.py file I could use some help. Through 
this discover app I want to be able to reference the Artists database. As 
you can see from above the
models.py file has the fields to establish an Artist and their information. 
Thus, when a request comes in to the discover app I want to be able to 
calculate the requested information and return that. Here's where I'm 

In my mind I feel that the appropriate way to do this is to basically 
create some sort of ForeignKey in the models.py of discover to the 
models.py of Artist? That way I don't have to have two databases of the 
same data but can simply reference the Artist database from the discover 

Another idea I had was instead of creating a "field" link between the two 
to try to import the Artist class from the models.py to the models.py file 
of the discover app? Then from my views.py file in discover I can process 
the given information referenced and return the result.

Any input is welcome. I am striving to use Django's DRY (Don't Repeat 
Yourself) methodolgy and try to reference the Artist database and do the 
actual processing in the discover application.

Thanks a lot for your advice,

JJ Zolper

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