> as shown in the picture, this i could do by add a method in the model
> getTienda1 and return the stock and do it for each store, but i want it to
> be created dinamically because the user could create a new store and it
> not be there.
> so this is my cuestion: can i do that?

Interesting question. You COULD try the following:

in the ProductAdmin ModelAdmin's class' __init__ you can define
list_display like

from store.models import Tienda
for store in Tienda.objects.all():

this would give you the list of existing stores at server init time.
and then you could define your Product model's __getattr__ method something
like this:

def __getattr__(self, attr):
     base = 'stock_tienda_'
     if attr[:len(base)] == base:
     return super(Product, self).__getattr__(self, attr)

this should make the ModelAdmin's hack work

finally, you need a way to add new columns for newly created stores, so
maybe a post_save signal on Tienda objects

@receiver(post_save, sender=Tienda)
def add_to_product_list_display(sender, instance, new, **kwargs):
      if new:
          # I don't know how to get the ModelAdmin's instance for a given
          #  but it must be something in django.contrib.admin.site

you probably need another listener before .delete of stores, and I'm not
certain the __getattr__ hack will work, but this sounds interesting.

Please try on those lines, and let me know if this worked, I'm most

"The whole of Japan is pure invention. There is no such country, there are
no such people" --Oscar Wilde


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