what exactly is your "error"?
Is your matplotlibrc correct?

If you will be using matplotlib maybe this example from an data
application i wrote may help you:

def calculate_myPic(my_args):
    fig = figure(figsize=parameter.figsize)
    plotarea = fig.add_subplot(111) # for my thing
    # calculate your data
    plotarea.bar(...) # eg. plot bars
    plotarea.plot_date(...) # or a date based graph
    title("my title" ) 
    xlabel("ordinate") # eg. x-axis
    # write it out on a png, *depending on matplotlibrc*
    out = django.http.HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')
    return out

Am Donnerstag, den 02.08.2012, 00:46 -0400 schrieb Peregil:
> Well, I have been trying, but I cannot get the graph or error from the
> function...
> I will keep trying,..
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 5:42 PM, william ratcliff
> <william.ratcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Can you attach an example png?   If it's not too complex, you
>         might be able to do this all clientside as well...
>         William
>         On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 5:41 PM, william ratcliff
>         <william.ratcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 If you're planning on adding this to your views.py,
>                 then you want to move the import statements to the top
>                 of the file (outside of simple), so they aren't called
>                 every time.  Don't import django.
>                 William
>                 On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Peregil
>                 <pereg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         Great thanks...
>                            I found this function... it seems
>                         complicated, but it is kind of working... I
>                         hope that I can include it in a my web page...
>                         # file charts.py
>                         def simple(request):
>                             import random
>                             import django
>                             import datetime
>                             from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import 
> FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
>                             from matplotlib.figure import Figure
>                             from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
>                             fig=Figure()
>                             ax=fig.add_subplot(111)
>                             x=[]
>                             y=[]
>                             now=datetime.datetime.now()
>                             delta=datetime.timedelta(days=1)
>                             for i in range(10):
>                                 x.append(now)
>                                 now+=delta
>                                 y.append(random.randint(0, 1000))
>                             ax.plot_date(x, y, '-')
> ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d'))
>                             fig.autofmt_xdate()
>                             canvas=FigureCanvas(fig)
> response=django.http.HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')
>                             canvas.print_png(response)
>                             return response
>                         On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Daniel Molina
>                         Wegener <d...@coder.cl> wrote:
>                                 On 01/08/12 15:19, Peregil wrote:
>                                         I need to have the graphic on
>                                         a web page... as soon as a
>                                         user hit summit...
>                                   If you need to draw a graph, you can
>                                 try the pygraphviz.
>                                   If you need to plot a chart, you can
>                                 matplotlib, if that is not
>                                 so easy to implement, you can try
>                                 using django google charts packages:
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-googlecharts/1.0-alpha-1
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-google-charts/0.1.1
>                                         On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 3:16
>                                         PM, william ratcliff
>                                         <william.ratcl...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:william.ratcl...@gmail.com>> 
> wrote:
>                                             As a quick hack, you could
>                                         generate a postscript file
>                                         using
>                                             savefig().   Then, you
>                                         could print that from the
>                                         commandline to a
>                                             local printer--If they
>                                         don't need a physical
>                                         printout, I would
>                                             generate a pdf file and
>                                         serve it to them and let them
>                                         print it.   If
>                                             I figure out how to print
>                                         directly using the printer
>                                         dialog, I'll
>                                             let you know...
>                                             William
>                                             On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at
>                                         2:05 PM, Peregil
>                                         <pereg...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:pereg...@gmail.com>>
>                                         wrote:
>                                                      it is an
>                                         intranet, and I don't have any
>                                         restrictions
>                                                 using JavaScript...
>                                         abd I am using matplotlib... I
>                                         thing it is
>                                                 the only way to save a
>                                         file and put it on the web
>                                         page...
>                                                 On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at
>                                         1:59 PM, william ratcliff
>                                         <william.ratcl...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:william.ratcl...@gmail.com>>
>                                                 wrote:
>                                                     What are you using
>                                         for your plotting package?
>                                          Matplotlib?
>                                                     I think that this
>                                         will show the plot (on the
>                                         server
>                                                     machine)--the
>                                         easiest thing I can think of
>                                         for now (assuming
>                                                     that you are using
>                                         matplotlib) is to generate a
>                                         pdf and send
>                                                     them the file.   I
>                                         haven't tried printing
>                                         directly--is this
>                                                     intranet, or
>                                         external facing?  Do you have
>                                         any restrictions
>                                                     on using
>                                         javascript?
>                                                     William
>                                                     On Wed, Aug 1,
>                                         2012 at 12:58 PM, Peregil
>                                         <pereg...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:pereg...@gmail.com>>
>                                         wrote:
>                                                         a user to
>                                         print one
>                                                         I did this in
>                                         python, but throws an error in
>                                         django when
>                                                         I tried to run
>                                         it... I have seen some
>                                         examples of saving
>                                                         an image, but
>                                         I would like to avoid that
>                                         since I don't
>                                                         want to open
>                                         and close a file...
>                                                         let me know if
>                                         you have any idea....
>                                                         thanks
>                                                         Python
>                                         program:
>                                                         def
>                                         drawPlot(arrayGene1,
>                                         arrayGene2):
>                                                              message =
>                                         ''
>                                                              (m,b) =
>                                         polyfit(arrayGene1,arrayGene2,1)
>                                                              yp    =
>                                         polyval([m,b],arrayGene1)
>                                          xlable('Gene 1')
>                                          ylable('Gene 2')
>                                          title('Correlation Graph')
>                                          plot(arrayGene1, yp)
> scatter(arrayGene1,arrayGene2,marker='>')
>                                                              show()
>                                          return(message)
>                                                         On Wed, Aug 1,
>                                         2012 at 12:21 PM, william
>                                         ratcliff
>                                         <william.ratcl...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:william.ratcl...@gmail.com>> 
> wrote:
>                                                             Do you
>                                         need to display a graph, or
>                                         allow the user to
>                                                             print one?
>                                                             On Wed,
>                                         Aug 1, 2012 at 12:06 PM,
>                                         Peregil
>                                         <pereg...@gmail.com
>                                         <mailto:pereg...@gmail.com>>
>                                         wrote:
>                                                                 The
>                                         information comes from a
>                                         database, which I
>                                                                 got it
>                                         with a problem. However, I
>                                         need to show a
>                                                                 graph
>                                         as well.
>                                                                 Please
>                                         let me know any suggestions...
>                                                                 thanks
>                                         and have great day.
>                                                                 --
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>                                 Best regards,
>                                 -- 
>                                 Daniel Molina Wegener <dmw [at] coder
>                                 [dot] cl>
>                                 System Programmer & Web Developer
>                                 Phone: +56 (2) 979-0278 | Blog:
>                                 http://coder.cl/
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