>  I'm working with a legacy database so I should use another model (Owners) 
> instead of the default Djangoconstrib.auth.models.User for authentication.
That's why I wrote my own and custom authentication backend. 

> My model has an id field (id = models.DecimalField(...)) that is used for 
> username and a field for password(password = models.CharField(...))
 What's more, the password that is stored in the Owners.password is not an 
encrypted string but plain text and when I use if 
user.check_password(password): I get 
Unknown password hashing algorithm '123'. Did you specify it in the 
PASSWORD_HASHERS setting?  That seems to be some kind of 
If I didn't misunderstood sth, I don't know what to do and therefore I'm 
asking for a guideline..

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